Thursday, January 04, 2007

There's no place like home!

Well, what a week.

On Monday we had planned to go to the Spiveys' to watch football, but Charlotte had been fighting this nasty cold since Saturday and we didn't want to get Josh sick, so we decided to stay home. That was a good decision! Charlotte got much worse on Monday evening and it became clear that she was having a tough time breathing, so Rob gave her a blessing and I called the doctor's office. I left a message and the on-call physician called me right back and told me to take her to the hospital right away, which we did.

The emergency room was amazingly empty for New Year's Day we thought, and we were able to be seen right away. They determined that Charlotte had RSV ( which is basically a common cold that in an infant has attacked the lungs and made a great big mess since they are still developing. They gave Charlotte 3 "breathing treatments" but she still wasn't getting enough oxygen so they admitted her around 2 am Tuesday. We just got home from the hospital at 6 pm today.

While at the hospital, Charlotte had an IV and oxygen and received breathing treatments (Albuturol) and steroids periodically. She was a trooper! She smiled at the doctors and nurses and managed to sleep a little bit in the crib there- but definitely preferred to be held. She also gave both Rob and I nasty colds- but oh well. We are just glad that she is well enough to be home now and that we get to sleep in our own beds. :)

Here is Rob giving her a breathing treatment at home tonight...

Anyway, we hope that you are all well and had a very happy New Year! Kris & Lindsay- we will get together someday! And Linda- we are glad to hear that you are home from the hospital as well- take care of yourself!


The Spiveys said...

We are glad she is home now! That sounds like a scary experience. We can't wait until she is 100% recovered!

Anonymous said...

Glad that she is ok. Max got a cold too but not that bad. Btu sure glad she is better now.

Kel said...

We are happy that all is well at the Anderson's also. We will have to get our girls together to play sometime.