Thursday, June 28, 2007

mobility update

Well, she's on the move! :)

On Sunday afternoon, Charlotte surprised us by getting up on her hands and knees and doing some "proper" crawling. She can also pull herself to standing on any stationary (or assumed to be stationary) object. So, needless to say, the head bumps have begun! Poor girl. I'm trying to keep a step ahead of her and move objects that she shouldn't have up to about 3 feet or higher... but she is still finding them. She seems to really enjoy her independence- and I am glad about that- but it's wearing me out! ;)

Our little Peanut also has a new nickname- "Tout de suite." For you non-francophiles out there, it is pronounced kinda like "toot sweet" and means "right now" or "immediately." Which is exactly how Charlotte wants everything. Incidentally, "toot sweets" were the candy invention in the movie Chitty chitty bang bang and there is a song that goes along. (Much to my joy and Rob's chagrin!)

You can watch it here:

(Although, personally my favorite song from this movie is here: ) Awww... how could anyone not love Dick Van Dyke? :)

Anyway, we'll try to post a little crawling video over the weekend- so be sure to check back soon!

Enjoying a sunny day in the front yard.

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