Sunday, March 24, 2013

my little pony

Yesterday, Charlotte made her stage debut as a pony in the ballet 'Roar of Love.' It is based on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and is performed each spring by the Columbia County Ballet Company- where Charlotte has been taking ballet for 2 years now. (That was a run on sentence, y'all.)

So, the ponies come out with Father Christmas to deliver gifts to the four Pevensie children to help them in their battle against the White Witch.  The ballerina in red is a robin who came on stage as sort of a story-telling narrator... or something. Charlotte is third from the right in the front row, wearing hot pink pants.  Truly, a better camera might be on my Christmas list this year.

Aside from standing in these lines, the ponies prance around (wearing jingle bells on their ankles,) do a turn or two, kneel and rise, and sashay about the stage.  It's not a very complicated part, but Charlotte was delighted, and she did a great job 'ponying up.'

Here she is backstage in all her pony glory.  Wearing make-up, ribbons, and glittery bits made her massively happy.

Charlotte is in LOVE with the ballet.

With Daddy and Toby after the big show.  

We left Jake with a friend, which was a very wise decision, he would have gone bonkers.  I asked Toby if he liked the ballet and he said, "Ummm, not really."  Turns out this was Rob's first time sitting through a ballet too and he pretty much agreed with Toby.  Looks like it's me and my girlie girl who will continue to attend these performances together.  Which is fantastic, because we love the mommy-daughter time. 

Congratulations on your first curtain call baby girl!


Johnson Family said...

So cute! And congrats on baby #4! Hope the ultrasound goes well...more terrible than usual first trimester + hot wing craving = twins... for me anyway! haha! be warned. ;) Can't wait to hear what you're having!

Harmony said...

Charlotte is so pretty.