Sunday, June 21, 2015

June in the garden

There were a few things that made us fall in love with this house when we came to see it last year, but at the top of that list was the yard and established garden space.I spent the Winter actually dreaming of digging in the dirt, measuring flower beds, and drawing diagrams.  Rob thought I was a bit crazy, but I loved every minute of it. As soon as seeds went on sale locally I stocked up for the year and began my seedlings indoors.  Now, in June, there are finally some pretty pictures to share and we are enjoying harvesting the fruits (and veggies) of our labors.

Apples on the apple tree are about the size of ping pong balls right now and just beginning to turn rosy.

Keeping up with the weeding in the flower beds takes hours each week, but I love having fresh bouquets in the house all of the time.

This veggie bed has onions, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and in the way back (beyond the rose trellis) kohlrabi, a second round of carrots, green and yellow beans, and snap peas.  Everything is doing well but the beans.  I planted 60 bean plants and only 5 came up!  I think the birds ate the rest.

A peek at the greens- chard, kale, and leaf lettuce.  
The spinach is already gone.  We only enjoyed a little bit of spinach this Spring before it bolted in the heat.  I'll plant it again in the Fall. We also just finished off the lettuce, before it goes to seed as well.

Zucchini plants are just beginning to flower, and the raspberry bushes are all along the fence in this corner of the yard.

The blackberries are here (in front of our backyard neighbor's ENORMOUS shrubbery,) but have not turned black yet.

Growing potatoes and composting are among the new things I am trying for the first time. Along with currants, rhubarb, pumpkins, and a few of the other plants pictured.  Also, not pictured, we have peas, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalepenos, eggplant, celery, and a few herbs currently growing.

This day's harvest: lettuce, rhubarb (made rhubarb walnut muffins,) raspberries and peas.

We are also growing kids in this garden!
In addition to bouncing on the trampoline and digging in the sandbox, they help to pull weeds, water the plants, and learn about nature and food in the process.  I love having a garden!

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