Friday, May 13, 2016

baseball and ballet

This Spring Toby is playing coach pitch baseball. He has the same coach as last year and is improving his swing and his fielding skills.

He plays on the Seattle Mariners team of 7-8 year olds. Their games are one hour long, which means they only play 1-2 innings.  Which is fantastic in my opinion. I don't look forward to four hour games someday, but I do love seeing my little Buddy all suited up as a little leaguer.

Charlotte has also made a return to ballet this Spring.  She had her recital last weekend and danced beautifully.

I took these pictures at the dress rehearsal. Charlotte really does have a natural grace to her that I envy.

I love seeing my little ballerina dance!

And Jake is back for more t-ball this Spring.  Last year, when Jake was just 3, Toby's coach snuck him on to Toby's team of 5-6 year olds and he blended right in, but clearly our 4 year old was not going to be able to keep up with the 7-8 year olds. So he has had to make do with developmental t-ball for the 3-4 year old crowd. It is really just a once a week skills thing, and he is super bored by it.  But he is still happy to have a team shirt to wear. This southpaw is ready for the big leagues, or at least actual t-ball, next year.

1 comment:

it's just lisa said...

Team shirt :) haha!